Perhaps the only facility of its kind in the world designed solely to help you re-discover that just by being yourself you can bring simplicity and relaxation to your life.

Here you can take part in a range of events from a workshop lasting just one day, or a 3 or 5-day course, or a training lasting three months, depending on your preferences.

Maybe you just want to nourish yourself with some individualized bodywork, or take the chance to explore different aspects of yourself and learn to recognize all that is most natural within you.

Or perhaps you want to learn specific massage skills, hypnosis, craniosacral bodywork, or how to lead meditation workshops. There is a very wide range of different multiversity programs to choose from.

The Multiversity is based on the simple insight that by developing a relaxed easy-going attitude towards yourself, you open a natural door to meditation.

The staff comprises experienced doctors, meditation trainers, therapists and counselors.